Re: [Epic] [Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

From: Alexis Nahib Delgado Saab <alexis_usb_at_...>
Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 21:09:43 PDT

>>------> Am I getting this right? You've typed in all the text from SM1
>>it's accessible from the net?
>>If so:
>>1) Why? Many of us on the list have it, someone could just scan it in.
>>a lot of work anyway.
>Smaller file size. And I had nothing else to do.
>And do you really think most of the people on this list have the
>SM? A quick show of hands.

    I don�t

>>2) Think anyone might have a problem with that, like maybe THE
>Do you use the BattleBible? Same thing. But mine does not compete with
>currently published material or even intend to.

      Ireally don�t think GW would care about it....

>>I'd also add "Looking to get a letter from GW's legal department"
>Its no different from NetEpic my fine feathered friend. I appreciate
>concern but am not holding my breath.
>>Chris Miller
>>(Long-Ago Player of AT & SM1. I can appreciate the sentiment of
wanting to
>>bring it back, but flagrantly posting it on one's site is just
>>mind-boggling. Don't you think this has come up before? Don't you
>>there's a reason this hasn't been done with any companies' game
>>their permission?)
>Again. BattleBible and NetEpic. Battlebible actually competed with
>products. Mine does not. I'm not selling it or anything. And I think
>needs all the help it can get :)
>And most people do not have access tot he original edition. You may,
but the
>only copies you can find now are in auctions for 2x the original price.
>Play Tactical Strike. Better game anyways.
>Go in peace my Epic friends. ;)

' Alexis Delgado '
' Alexis_usb_at_... '
' UIN: 132686249 '
' '

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