Re: [Epic] Campaign Rules

From: Peter Ramos <pramos1_at_...>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 15:38:04 +0000

> Ooh, ohh, I want! I want! Er, I mean, I would appreciate a copy of
> your campaign rules, if you get a chance to type them out.

Sure, I'm typing at present hopefully it will be done by Saturday. I'll
e-mail you a copy.

> > These points may be used for the following:
> > Construct new units
> > replace losses of broken detachments and companies during battle
> How is this done? Do you figure out how much each stand/unit is
> worth or do just pay half the cost of the detachment?
Anything that is broken during a battle needs to have invested a
quantity of resource points equal to half the worth of the actual unit,
i.e if your terminator company breaks you need 450 resource points to
bring it to full strength, on the other hand units that did not break
will regain its strength from your cities (sort of like
conscription-this is abstracted for game purposes of course) and be
ready for the next battle (I'll give a fuler explanation in the copy
I'll send).

> Someone else commented about constructing Titans being a bad idea.
> Maybe only certain sites, such as a spaceport, can "construct" Titans,
> which would represent their being flown in from off-planet. Also,
> specialized repair sites for Titans would probably make sense also.
Remember this is all abstract, you can name the cities or resouce points
however you wish, in our group we used that only the capital city had
enough resources to biuld it, thus limiting where this could be done.

> Sounds pretty cool. I'm also interested in seeing it because I'm
> working on a campaign system for another game (Silent Death) and I want
> to steal ideas. :) Hey, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
By the way when these rules are completed I'd like a copy. Although I
now very little about the game I've fiddled with using silent Death as
the space combat portion of epic, sort of like using the campaign rules
but on the scale of entire planet systems. I originally wanted to do
this with Gw now extinct space fleet game, but would rather use a system
in print like silent death.

Received on Tue Mar 04 1997 - 15:38:04 UTC

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