RE: [Epic] 40k Cover & countdown

From: Jonathan Westmoreland <JonW_at_...>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 07:14:00 -0600

> >> OK, so what chapter of marines are on the cover? I
> >> couldn't tell from the picture; the design looked unfamiliar.
> >> (black armor with white helmets?)
> >>
> >Most likely Black Templars.
> Agreed. They DO look like the Black Templars.
They are Black Templars. I got confirmation on this
from the guys at GW Canada. I really didn't see them
as any other chapter, seeing how they are one of the
few Chapters ever shown in mostly black armor. The
only other possibility I saw for them was the original
Dark Angels, but I didn't think that GW would revert
back to the black armor after switching to green.

<snip my .sig>

> Ah a fellow Fear Factory fan. Excellent choice.
Oh yes. They rule.

Jonathan Westmoreland
Conceived in a hell beyond your depth of perception
Chaotic case of conquering domination
  -Fear Factory, "Edgecrusher"
Received on Fri Sep 11 1998 - 13:14:00 UTC

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