Re: [Epic] Heretical Idea!

From: <fourmillers_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 23:19:04 -0500

> But my original post was about the conversion of the New Ork AA trucks
>to an Ork version of Katiushas by using the rockets from the Fighta-Bombas
>to give them mobile artillery as my own get plastered crossing our big
> At the time of that post the rule system each of us prefer was

----------> Ok, so how were you thinking of working this rules-wise? Barrage
template (either version)? I like the idea that they scatter even thought
they don't have indirect capability if you work it that way. Katyushas seem
like a fine orky-style weapon.

Couple of responses (boy did this thread fragment!):

-I don't think these are being proposed as "Flak" as Katyushas were Russian
WW2 artillery (bunch of rockets on a truck), not an AA weapon.

-The Sherman Calliope was a Sherman tank with a rack of rockets on top used
for a similar idea. (Not a USO vehicle!)

-Ive seen an old plastic battlewagon with the turret from an old whirlwind
mounted on it for a similar idea. Why not?

-As for Orks getting bored with it, well, many of the support weapons are
actually crewed by Gretchen according to the fluff, so why not think of it
as an ork driver (runtherd?) and a bunch of gretchen lighting fuses...

Chris Miller
Received on Wed Sep 23 1998 - 04:19:04 UTC

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