In article <001401bdea8a$b8642840$76614ac3_at_jimi>, Jimi Tubman
<jimi_at_...> writes
>>It's obvious, I am the most British. Living in Scotland, I speak better
>>English than you do. :P
>>This is surprisingly close to the truth; apparently the Scots speak
>>English closest to the "official" version, i.e. that used by TV
>>announcers in the 1950s (probably).
>You should tell such funny jokes - my sides hurt for hours after I read
Silence, wretch. :-)
Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister, UIN 13168333 <brother_morgan_at_...>
Colen's Warhammer Page: <> DiaChronos Software:
Let him who takes the plunge... remember to return it by Tuesday.
Received on Mon Sep 28 1998 - 17:34:05 UTC