Re: [Epic] Eldar & Disrupts.

From: <Solzak_at_...>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 07:25:04 EDT

In a message dated 9/30/98 7:00:14 PM Central Daylight Time, thane_at_...

<< I've got better rules for overlords. They become war engines, 170 points, 4
 wounds, 20 cm move with special rules for floaters, 45 cm range at 10 fp all
 arrund, plus one heavy barrage for units in base to base contact. Cannot snap
 fire at ground units, may not be snap fired at by ground units. Save, Armor
 Any catastrophic damage goes to "destroyed" to give opponent morale.
 The CJ rules are really dumb; 1 LR will nearly always kill it. Blimps doing
 up" attacks is pretty silly too.
 I can send the overlords rules, or all of my squat translations, to anyone
 wants them.

        In my opinion the squats really don't need any more War Engines. Their kind
of good in that area already
Received on Thu Oct 01 1998 - 11:25:04 UTC

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