On Tue, 18 Mar 1997, Christophe HAUSS wrote:
> > Okay first up is an army commander. I chose an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor
> > for joint IG/SM command. You get two bodyguard squads so I chose 2
> > regular IG suqads for 4 units (stands). Three Chimeras provided enough
> > transport to make it mechanised.
> > Points value 130.
> This mean all this guys are now in the same detatchment?
> They all act as a comand unit for purpose of firing (in first fire phase)
> and mouvement (double mouvement) and targetting???
> You have to move and fire them all at the same time?
No, you're thinking in terms of the old rules... command units in E40k
have no special abilities or turn order. I can tell you're new to the
discussion, but E40k is very different at the core rule level then the old
> No more 900 pts?? Is the Warlord weaker as in 2nd edition?
If anything they're stronger... you can't take tthe points value for a
unit in E40k and expect it to translate 1:1 into the old rules. You have
to look at it in realtion to other E40k point values.
Paul R. Tobia _O_
"Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon |
full of tapes hurtling down the highway." (Tanenbaum,1996)
Received on Tue Mar 18 1997 - 22:54:02 UTC