Re: [Epic] blast markers

From: The Ogre <the.ogre_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 21:22:04 -0800

Andy Skinner wrote:
> What's the difference between the big and small blast
> markers?
> thanks,
> andy

The blast markers are not for use as in blasting things i.e.
blastmarkers to hit (buh... humm, wierd explanation). Anyway, the
blastmarkers represent incoming fire, as they disrupt your detachments
and lessen the effects of your own fire, hamper your assaults and
The small ones represent, obviously, one blastmarkers worth, and the
big, represent 5 blastmarkers worth.
The more you have the less effective your detachment becomes, but you
can loose them at the end of your turn (maybe), when you rally (maybe).
I could explain the rest of rules, but then, that would be telling you
the whole rules :-) (Which I have already managed to memorise, even
though it is learning a new system).


Received on Fri Mar 21 1997 - 05:22:04 UTC

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