Re: [Epic] GW Prices

From: E. Sund <esund_at_...>
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 16:20:50 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, Chen-Song Qin wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, Tristrim Peter Murnane wrote:
> > Just 'cause I'm curios, what is the big mac price index for varios
> > countries? IE- how many Big macks would it take to buy 1 BaneBlade SHV?
> >
> > Down here in aus, a Big mac costs (i think) $2.95. A baneblade
> > (the epic scale one) costs $20 bucks. Thereofre, te BMPI says a baneblade
> > costs 6.66. What is it for elsewhere?
> >
> Well, around here a Big Mac costs $3.15 Cdn. An Epic blister costs around
> $13. By the way, as long as you're from Australia, I heard Macdonald's
> puts Kangaroo meat in its burgers.
Yeah? Well I ate a big mac in Kanazawa about 4 years ago and later found
out that they got in a bit of trouble for using worm meat as a filler
(beef being quite expensive there, even "mcbeef"). A buddy of mine found
a band aid in his 1/4 pounder back a few years, too. I just don't eat
there anymore. But 12 big macs to 1 tank seems about right. The real
question is how do they get off charging $12/13 for a baneblade? Is this
a new model? Jeez, ever since they got rid of the turtoise warlords
things have really been sliding. Look at the new great gargant - ack!

Just letting out a little steam...

E. Sund
Received on Sun Apr 13 1997 - 23:20:50 UTC

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