Re: [Epic] [E40K]Bug Titans

From: <oki_at_...>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 18:12:45 +0800

At 08:51 PM 4/14/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Mark A Shieh wrote:
>> As far as I can tell, Tyranid Titans are not much more fragile
>> than their Imperial counterparts. They have the same number of Damage
>> Capacity as their Imperial equivalent has in Shields+Damage Capacity.
>> They have one less weapon. They go 33% faster and ignore any terrain
>> modifiers. They have the same assault.

Have anyone tried equipping a Hiero with two assault and one ripper tentacles ?
The Assault factor will be 30 (?) x 2 x 2 = 120 ?!! And the ripper tentacles
will be pretty nifty in nullifying the opponent's assault weapon. Is this
correct or am I missing something ?

p.s. BTW do you guys think that Titan battlegroups or Gargant mob will make
a comeback ? It kind of worry me, as the Armies book only allow you to take
one Titan or so only. While I do want to see those units making a comeback,
I am a little worried.

I suspect that for Epic40k, GW only playtested the armies with only one
Titan per side only. And the cost of Titans and their effect on game balance
were tested and toned down/up depending on their playtesting.

But if and when GW releases new units/ battlegroups in WD, I have a feeling
that those new units will not be tested as extensively as the original
release units. For example, in Epic 2nd edition the Warlord Titan only
appear rarely and in single unit only. And the Warlord does not rule the
battlefield. Yet when GW releases the Titan Legion, those battlegroups
simply dominate the battlefield. Remember the 3 Warlord with MRL, Vortex
missiles, Plasma Cannon ? And the Titan missions ?

I think the problem is that GW did not fully tested the new units with the
new ones. "OK, mates, we tried these new battlegroups ten times against a
conventional forces. They win five times out of ten. I think they are pretty
balanced, what do you guys think ?"

As such I am quite concerned about the battlegroups/knights/unreleased units
not in the Armies books now.

Received on Mon Apr 14 1997 - 10:12:45 UTC

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