Re: [Epic] Epic Spacehulk? -Reply

From: <CLL_at_...>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 10:51:24 +0000

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Timothy J. Kilgore wrote:
> > At 05:04 AM 4/27/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >DLIL-Lewiston, Kris wrote:
> >>
> >> sauron1 wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Sauron1 writes;My sons,avid space hulk
players,took some of my unmountted
> >> > SM terminators and a box of Tyranids to play
Epic Space Hulk. It works
> >> > as well as anything GW has tried lately! {It was
good for a few laughs}
> >> > sauron1 PS Do you think it would make a
good pocket game?
> >>
> > For a little whilemy friends and I decided to really
save table space and
> play 40k with epic figures. It worked pretty okay. all
the guys in the
> same squad had to be eqiped the same, but If table
space is running low it
> works alright.
> > Timothy J. Kilgore

Doesn't anyone here think that it's a problem that the
terminators are so ugly. OK they're small but they're
copied right off the Space Hulk 1st ed refrigerator
terminators. I like my figures convertable and with
polystyrene glue anything works, I cuts off the arms of
my ogryns and Squat Exoarmour figs and glue them
back to give them a more real look. But the
terminators are just a lump of plastic with nothing to
convert. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Patrik Carlsson

You're wrong you know.
My Epic Terminator Company has at least 1 converted
miniature on each of the 13 stands.
1) Assault Cannons - use the multilasers from IG
Sentinels in place of the bolters.
2) Chainfists - a small piece of thin plasticard attached
to the powerfist and carefully painted.
3) Heavy Flamers, carefully trim off the front of the
stormbolter and attach the rounded bit from the back of
a Sentinel (engine housing ? the bit that sticks up
behind the pilot) in it's place then reattach the front of
the storm bolter for the nozzles.
4) Sergeant's power sword and shield, like the
chainfist but one very narrow thin piece and one
5) Thunder hammer and Stormshield, thin plastic rod,
or at a pinch the thinnestsection of the flagpoles can
be glued into a hammer shape, the shield is more
plastic card.
6) Lightning claws - thin wire mesh - like GW used for
the razorwire entanglements for Epic. You only get
three talons per hand though.
7) Librarian, thin plasticard for the forceaxe and shield
and a little Miliput round the head.
8) Captain. Reposition the powerfist arm and use a
small blob of miliput for the grenade launcher, and the
front of the head from the Space Marine Sergeant (with
the bionic eye) in place of the helmet.

All of the above need careful painting to make them
look convincing.
And yes, I am insane.
Received on Tue Apr 29 1997 - 10:51:24 UTC

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