Re: [Epic] Warlord Titans

From: W. Gregory Klett <cyclops_at_...>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 19:41:00 -0500

>> The new design of Warlord Titan looks like a BattleMech! All squares and
>> boxes. What was wrong with the original design?
>Just my two cents worth; I agree! The new Warlord looks too much
>like a BattleMech. The original design was a lot more gothic --
>more in line with the fluff.
>"I no longer fear Hell, I work in retail"

 Not only does it look like a Battletech droid but as I just cashed my
birthday gift certificate in on one of the Warlords, shudder!

 Mere coincidence, but I also picked up WD 208 at the same time with this
ego boo article on how finely made the GW figs are, and then I opened the
Warlord box!
 Most of the pieces are fine, but...
  The main bodys' back section is warped past the point of usability.
   There is a most interesting S curve through the piece as well as a
   30 degree twist through its long axis.
  The Body to Hip connection plate has the top part of the mold shifted
   about 1-2 mm from the bottom part.
  One of the Carapace weapons/mounts is missing.

 And for this I spent $30US? Ahhh yes, the fine quality control GW has!
 Even the most cursory of examinations by the molders should have
caught and rejected the back plate.

 Now I just hope the dealer will take it back, maybe I can exchange it
for a nice Battletech Battlemaster or some such.

  Greg Klett

| W. Gregory Klett | Those that can, do! |
| cyclops_at_... | Those that could and won't, dream. |
| | Those that can't, pretend and brag about it! |
Received on Wed Apr 30 1997 - 00:41:00 UTC

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