Re: [Epic] Epic Spacehulk? -Reply -Reply

From: <CLL_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 14:23:33 +0000

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------> > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> You're wrong you know.
> My Epic Terminator Company has at least 1 converted
> miniature on each of the 13 stands.
> 1) Assault Cannons - use the multilasers from IG
> Sentinels in place of the bolters.
> 2) Chainfists - a small piece of thin plasticard attached
> to the powerfist and carefully painted.
> 3) Heavy Flamers, carefully trim off the front of the
> stormbolter and attach the rounded bit from the back of
> a Sentinel (engine housing ? the bit that sticks up
> behind the pilot) in it's place then reattach the front of
> the storm bolter for the nozzles.
> 4) Sergeant's power sword and shield, like the
> chainfist but one very narrow thin piece and one
> shield.
> 5) Thunder hammer and Stormshield, thin plastic rod,
> or at a pinch the thinnestsection of the flagpoles can
> be glued into a hammer shape, the shield is more
> plastic card.
> 6) Lightning claws - thin wire mesh - like GW used for
> the razorwire entanglements for Epic. You only get
> three talons per hand though.
> 7) Librarian, thin plasticard for the forceaxe and shield
> and a little Miliput round the head.
> 8) Captain. Reposition the powerfist arm and use a
> small blob of miliput for the grenade launcher, and the
> front of the head from the Space Marine Sergeant (with
> the bionic eye) in place of the helmet.
> > All of the above need careful painting to make them
> look convincing.
> And yes, I am insane.

Saurin1 writes; You know for just a simple idea about a quick game. This
string has grown to a good discussion!. What did you use to cut up the
terminators. Shurrely a not a razor saw? A new xacto blade? Insane! Not
really.You should have my job.My sons want to try a few of those
conversions. We have done some on IG Ogrins and SM and Orc

Actually, all I use is a small craft knifr from a DIY store, a fairly rough file,
and a lot of swear words.
  I have found that a lot of the work is actually in the painting, you only
need a (relativly) crude approximation of what your trying to build on the
model, the rest is all done with paint. eg the chainfist is just a thin piece of
plasticard, but if you do a thin line of gunmetal along all the thin edges, it
looks like the chain itself, if you look close enough.
  Anyway I missed some from the list, a Cyclone can be done by adding a
small lump of plasticard to the top of the Terminator and painting the
powerfist to represent the targetter. A Terminator chaplain can have the
Crosius Arcanum added to the powerfist, witha little thin plasticard, and a
bit of bone paint for the helmet. Rules for the Terminator Librarian are a
combination of the Terminators firepower, CAF, and save, with the normal
rules for those characters (for SM/TL) cost is +50pts on top of the normal
character cost.
Received on Wed Apr 30 1997 - 14:23:33 UTC

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