[Epic] re: Playtesting...

From: Andy Meechan <a.meechan_at_...>
Date: Thu, 01 May 97 15:45:03 gmt

 LOL! This is GW we're talking about here. They
don't heavily playtest anything.
     They do. It's just that the 'extremes testing' part seems to be in
     need of revision. Also bear in mind that it is the designers and
     developers that are also testing; this leads to 'assumed knowledge' of
     rules and situations and will dent any test plan. Independent testers
     (those who have had nothing to do with development) could be used for
     better 'bug hunting'. (Yes I write software!)
 Very doubtful. They never seem to use anyone
outside the studio for playtesting. Which is really strange
considering how many people would be glad to playtest GW
games for free. Also strange because it leads to so many
problems with the rules, and by this time they have to know
why that's the case.
     I have to concur with this point. GW don't use external playtesters
     outside of friends-of-the-designer (see the Andy Chambers Chaos
     campaign stuff in WD). They will have their own reasons for this and
     are evidently willing to take any flak for it. After all, fuzzy areas
     can be swept up using WD.
Received on Thu May 01 1997 - 15:45:03 UTC

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