Re: [Epic] Q&A #1 (And I'm back)

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Fri, 2 May 97 21:16:51 EST

> Not anymore. Take a Librarian and you're guaranteed to have
>more psykers than the Eldar. (Strange how that works) Any psyker
>closer than 45cm to a Land Raider is going to get shot with anti-tank.
>Farseers at least had some hope of survival.
> And you're complaining that 35/60 points is expensive for an
>heroic, psychic, *MARINE*? Sheesh. I'll trade you psykers! The
>Eldar one must be superior, as the fluff always claims that Eldar
>aren't completely pathetic in the psyker department, yet their only
>decent heroic psyker is the Shadow Seer.

Well, I wasn't really complaining, just stating. I'm not too
concerned with psychic effects on the game anyway. I do see your
point, though. However, even with a save psykers will draw fire
and inevitably die. Eldar at least have "backups" should one get
fried. The marines don't have the luxury of multiple psykers in
detachments. That's all I wanted to point out.

Received on Sat May 03 1997 - 02:16:51 UTC

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