At 02:18 PM 4/5/97 +0200, you wrote:
>> Sauron1 writes;I am elatted to see someone who has put so much into Epic
>> to enjoy a string that an E-mail beginner like me got going. But try an
>> exacto or one of those retractable continouse knives instead. The sharper
>> the blade the better.Plase post pictures of your work as I can't afford a
>> scanner for some time.Be sides I don't even know how to post a picture if
>> I had one. sauron1
>I think I had an exacto knife if thats the one where you can exchange
>blades. I'm afraid it broke when I cut out a stick from a base. I got
>blunt remainings into one of my nail roots.
Yes, that sounds mighty unpleasant...
> So thats why I'm using a
>Swiss army knife, It's sharp enough and you can put pressure on the
>Those retractable knifes would just spread splinters all around.
>I'm ready with my devastators now. My 15 robots gave me 15 lascannons
>from the autocannon. Plus 15 heavy bolters where I just cut of the
>arm and replaced the shoulderpad with the robots hand. And 15 missile
>launchers from bannerpoles with a square thrigger/aiming device.
>Without buying any spacemarine legions I've got quite some force and
>the varieties of weapons will make them look great en masse.
I like the sound of that, I wait with interest for the pictures...
>Pictures will have to wait but I'd rather put them out on the web than
>sending them as mail. This mainlinglist is hard to follow so I just read
>the messages I think could interest me, then you can accept the chat
>threads without getting bored. The only way to stay with the list is to
>be active and contribute to it.
> Patrik Carlsson
> f94pc_at_...
Received on Mon May 05 1997 - 09:20:06 UTC