[Epic]{E40K} Painting Questions

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Thu, 8 May 97 20:12:51 EST

Hi all!

I was just wondering some things about painting figs, and
specifically about primers. What primers do you use? I'm
using Krylon's Sandable Primer at the moment, but am wondering
if there is something out there that might be better. This
stuff seems a bit thick. Has anyone tried out the GW stuff?
I realise it's a bit overpriced, but I'd probably buy it at
a discount over the net anyway.

Also, how long do you all wait before applying the base coat
to your primered minis?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Received on Fri May 09 1997 - 01:12:51 UTC

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