Re: [Epic] Epic - Warlord Titans

From: Andrew Skinner <askinner_at_...>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 08:48:43 -0400

> Aaron:
> >Erm, I'm pretty sure the Banelord is that same basic chassis as the
> >plastic turtle warlords, which is actually the Mk. II warlord. He's
> >talking about the ones featured in the original Adeptus Titanicus...
> >lead Turtle Warlords. <grin>
> >
> Gawd, Aaron,
> Just how olde are you :P ?
> Regards
> Oki
> p.s. I am 27 BTW....

Oh, Aaron is old. Decrepit. Why, when he came to my house to play, we
had to help him down the stairs. I was so worried he'd have a heart
attack, that I had to let him win. ;-) Why, he must be in the latter
half of college already. :-)

I'm 33 today. Maybe I'll get Epic 40K--I know a box came for my wife on
Friday! Wheee! People should _always_ get toys for their birthdays.

Received on Mon May 12 1997 - 12:48:43 UTC

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