Re: [Epic] Epic ground scale

From: sauron1 <sauron1_at_...>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 01:19:08 -0700

Sauron1 writes; Ha it takes at least a week in Canada and it costs 48
cents (about 65 cents US). When we have an Federal election only the news
bureause seem to care,and the burocracy and ALL goverment paperword and
forms are in two official languages. We have at least five oficial
parties,and the current official oppositions only purpose in getting
electted is to seperated their provice(Quebec)from the rest of the
country!By the way we are having one now,I think!We also go out and
enumerate or go to everhouse in the country and record every elegable
voter,every election,Federal,Provincial,Municipal! sauron1
Received on Tue May 13 1997 - 08:19:08 UTC

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