[Epic] Latest Q&A

From: A. Allen McCarley <allen_at_...>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 14:30:06 -0500

Greetings All:

Jervis has answered the last batch of questions I sent off to him.
Unfortunately, I'm on vacation and can't seem to get this remote
terminal to handle my mail very well. I should be able to give you
the full copy of the Q&A when I return on the middle of next week.
In the meantime, since I'm sure that those who asked would like
their answers as quickly as possible, here is a summary.

1) Mega cannon place blast markers for the number of SHWs
  fired, plus one for each MC that fired.

2) No LOS is required of units participating in a firefight or lending
   support in an assault.

3)) If a unit cannot get into CC, it is not allowed to double its
   move to get into range to lend support during an assault.

4) All units in a flyer detatchment must be repaired and rearmed
  before the detatchment may fly another mission.

5) Flak units never get to shoot at interceptors before they perform
   their intercept mission (actually, they never get to shoot at
   interceptors at all.)

6) Interceptor flyers get to shoot at whichever enemy flyer they wish.

7) O firepower automatically gets the +4 die modifier used against you.

Look for the complete answers and discussions, as well as the philosophy behind the
pricing of Farseers, during the latter half of next week.


Allen (The Q&A guy)
Check out the EPIC and EPIC 40K Q&A Pages at:
If you have questions about EPIC 40K and can't find the answers
in the rule books, send them to:
They will be passed on to Jervis Johnson and Andy Chambers.
Received on Fri May 16 1997 - 19:30:06 UTC

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