Re: [Epic] Re:Trolls n Minotaurs

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 04:17:34 -0500

At 04:30 PM 5/16/97 -0400, you wrote:

>While we're on the topic of daemons, could somebody explain how daemon
>detachment are structured. Basically, my reading of the rules is that
>you can field up to 5 daemon packs per detatchment, and each pack can
>contain 1 to 5 daemons of whichever list (so a max of 25 daemons per
>detachment). My confusion stems from why all the units are listed
>as X cost/unit, while GDs are not. Does this mean that you can only
>put 1 GD in a pack; if so, where does it actually say this, cause I
>couldn't find the rule. If there is no difference between GDs and
>LDs (beside stats), why write them up differently?

All this is IIRC . . . Greater Deamons are each their own pack, and lesser
demons run 1-5 to a pack, so you can have up to 25 LDs and a commander, up
to 5 GDs and a commander, or any combination thereof by exchanging one GD
for 5 LDs.

Frex: 1 LoC HQ unit (27+25, IIRC)
        1 LoC
        3 packs of 5 horrors each

total: 4 squads/packs and 1 HQ.

Received on Sat May 17 1997 - 09:17:34 UTC

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