Re: [Epic] Points Values

From: David Lado <lado_at_...>
Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 18:37:29 -0400 (EDT)

>Maybe GW point discrepancies between armies are intentional? Instead of
>being designed to make the armies "fair and equal" they are designed to
>reflect the technology and society of each race.

I think this is definitely the case. Why else do orks and eldar have to
pay 2-3 points extra for their Hvy weapons (relative to the other armies).
Orks also pay more than anyone else for the ASSAULT upgrade, but pay less
than anyone else for the command unit upgrade. So basically, an ork
player is left with the option of (1) paying +2pts for 1 pt of assault
or (2) paying +5 pts for +2 pts of assault and a save. Obviously, the
nobz are a better deal, so you'll see nobz acting as the assault troops
in ork armies. You can still field all the assault troops you want
(an extra point per unit isn't a game breaker), but the mathmatics of
the game will encourage you to field a more "orky" army.

It makes it alot harder to figure the point costs for new units though.

Received on Mon May 26 1997 - 22:37:29 UTC

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