Re: [Epic] E40K Squats - Tunnellers

From: Thomas Bloom <tbloom_at_...>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 13:39:53 -0500

>Thomas Bloom wrote:
>> These I like! I'd have never thought of using drop pod rules, very
>> creative. The Hellbore seems overpriced. For a transport of 6 the t-hawk
>> costs only 80 points and is more acurate,
> more accurate how? It would have a better chance of coming on
>the table sooner, but that's about all the difference I can see.

Tunnellers using Drop pod rules would scatter. T-hawks don't. I used drop
pods in 2nd ed and the rules seem to be about the same, those little
suckers can *bounce*. A t-hawk put down your troops exactly where you want
them, and shoot up the bad guys.

Received on Tue Jun 03 1997 - 18:39:53 UTC

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