Re: [Epic] [Epic40K] 1000pt Eldar Army list for critique

From: <PAspin3551_at_...>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 15:08:44 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 05/06/97 06:32:51, mlstack_at_... (Mike
Stachowski) writes:

         Command: Farseer in Falcon 104
          1: 2 Guardian Sqds in Falcons w/Psyker 84
          2: 2 Guardian Sqds in Falcons w/Psyker 84
          3: 2 Guardian Sqds in Wave Serpent 44
          4: Swooping Hawk Sqd w/Exarch 15
          5: Swooping Hawk Sqd w/Exarch 15 >>

I hate to say this, because it goes against my instincts to follow the fluff,
but dont take the farseer. even though one should be leading the detachment,
at 75 points he's just too expensive.
 Your opponent has just bought 3 landraiders for this one guardian stand+hero
and a falcon.

This time, they screwed up the points big style...

Received on Thu Jun 05 1997 - 19:08:44 UTC

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