Re: [Epic] Plasma Anhilator

From: Mark A Shieh <SHODAN+_at_...>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 15:51:43 -0400 (EDT)

"Miller, Chris" <CMiller_at_...> writes:
> -----> Yep and they were good - 1 big one-shot missile and a rack of 4
> smaller 1-shot missiles, plus a nasty main gun, and the usual lascannon
> and bolters. My most regular opponent was chaos, which means Magnus,
> which means your superheavies are goin' down to the tune of 1 per turn
> minimum, so the swarm of one-shot weapons was really nice as the tanks
> were gonna die pretty quick anyway. Also had a shadowsword and a
> stormhammer (the bane of Chaos and HTH troops - 4 battlecannon and 14
> bolters - so what if they only hit on a 6...)

        Whoa, whoa, back up. You're claiming the Stormblades were
good? We all considered them a big joke (though not anywhere near
as big as the Hellbore) Apart from it's one specialized use of
fighting tanks in dense, urban terrain, it was pretty pathetic
compared to the Stormhammer. More expensive by a good bit, only 50cm
range like the Stormhammer, and not that much more powerful on the
turn it fires its one-shots, and less powerful after.

Received on Thu Jun 05 1997 - 19:51:43 UTC

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