Re: [Epic] Eldar Information wanted

From: Sutherland <charles_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 09:28:02 -0500

At 01:02 PM 6/10/97 +1000, you wrote:
>Not being a big fan of 40k I don't have much fluff information about
>colour schemes for eldar. Does anybody out their have the eldar codex? IF
>so could you please answer the following Q's
>What colour are Death Jesters?
DeathJesters wear armour decorated with the bones of the previous death
jester. Mostly dark colours with the occasional flash of color.

>Likewise Solitares, Great Harlequins and Shadow seers.

these are painted much the same way as normal harlequins with the exception
of the mask which in combat replays the death throes of some of their last
victims. the shadow seer has a mask of a featureless material such as
silver or glass.

>What do Great Harlequins and Shadow Seers look like? any conversion ideas?
>Here's a few of my conversions. I wanted to make up the "killer" aspect
>squad but I thought that since swooping hawks have wings and so do Exarchs
>my Warlock would need some sort of flying kit or he would look a bit
>funny. Here's what I did, Taking an Exarch I carefully cut of the wings
>(not including the gun) trimmed them a bit and then stuck them to the back
>of the warlock, it doesn't look to bad. The now wingless Exarch makes a
>perfect Dark Reaper Exarch.
Good idea on the DR exarch!!!!
>Just a last thought, so far I've been making up Death jester squads up of;
>one HW eldar, two harlequins and two miscelanious (sp). Any ideas about
>other alternatives. I don't suppose death jesters are coming out in the
>new Eldar box that I hear about?

I base my DJ one to a base.(they are pretty major characters in 40k and
operate independently of the other harlequins most of the time.) I shaved
down a dark reaper till he had a skull like head and the missile launcher
looked more like a shuriken cannon.
By the way in 40K the solitaire must be by himself. He can fight with no
squad at all.

>"Smile and the whole world thinks you're some sort of grinning loony"
>Rob L.

                                                        That Chuk Guy
Received on Tue Jun 10 1997 - 14:28:02 UTC

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