RE: [Epic] [E40K] Squats -- After Review:

From: Peacekeeper-¡ <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 17:40:43 -0400

I like the idea of Goliaths being mega-cannons acting as artillery. It
fits better (IMO) with how they worked in SM/TL (long range, tank-busting,
terrain-ignoring, building-smashing super guns). No matter how they are
handled (MC or seige artillery or heavy artillery), their price should
reflect their ability.

I definitely agree that they should be very, very, expensive. As
shown above, even a small number can supress a detachment, they don't
need LOS, and they can prep-fire (owwwww!). When I think about, I
have to say they should either be down graded to siege artillery
(which I don't really like) or they should cost on the order of 100pts

It might also be neat to create a special carrier vehicle for goliaths,
perhaps using the old termite or mole carriers (or a deathstrike
carrier). You could say that they cannot fire on any turn they are
towed. Of course, that's another special rule, but it's better than
the Goliaths trundling around under their own power. Alternately, you
could just use the carrier for show and not bother with any special
rules :).

(Let's see if people can read this.) How about make it a war engine
with a Hvy Barrage and 1Dc. This way it would fire every turn. I suppose
tere would have to be a special rule that you can give war engines
with artillary special orders, but that is needed for the squats in
general. Also, with 1Dc if would be fairly cheap and not need a crit chart.

Probably about 80 pts or so would be good. I said this because it was a
super heavy vehical in Sm2/Tl.


Received on Wed Jun 11 1997 - 21:40:43 UTC

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