Re: [Epic] [Epic40k] Blast Markers and Firepower

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 09:03:19 -0500

At 07:39 PM 6/12/97 -0700, you wrote:

>Thus, a Titan with:
>16 FP range 45
>2 SHWs range 45
>and 5 BMs
>would be able to shoot 16 FP and 2 SHW LESS 5 either-FP-or-SHW,
>typically 11 FP and 2 SHW rather than 13 FP and 0 SHW _AT THE SAME
>If it wished to shoot 1 SHW at each of two seperate targets, it could
>shoot 5-5=0 FP + 1 SHW at one, and 5-5=0 + 1 SHW at the other, and if it
>wanted, 6-5=1 FP at yet another.

I disagree. If this is the case, then a single BM halves the effective fire
of a unit of Land Raiders, as usually, they aren't concentrating a lot of
fire. It also halves the fp of an all shw titan if it wants to fire at more
than one target. At 2 BMs it can only fire at one target.

I think that BMs are subtracted after the weapon assignments from where ever
you want. So a unit of 10 LRs w/ 5 BMs would have 15 effective shots to
direct wherever, and 20 to direct for suppression purposes.

Received on Thu Jun 12 1997 - 14:03:19 UTC

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