RE: [Epic] Firepower vs Anti-Tank

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 13:02:13 -0400

> Also keep in mind that GWUS runs it's tournaments with the house rule th=
> SHW take no penalty at all from BM. Then the comparison becomes even =
> lopsided.

        Yeesh. I'm never going to one of those.

Or if you do, =
go as an Imperial player :) Why is there always one unit that seems incredi=
bly underpriced. In 2ed it was the Thunderhawk(and some eldar units, depend=
ing what you interpretation of what they did was :). Now we have the landra=
ider, which worries me a little more, since LR's are more common, ie.e they=
 come in the box. Oh well. So far, none here has gone to overboard with the=
m. Also BM's arn't that effective in supressing them, since there's two gun=
s per Raider and it is difficult to inflict large numbers of BM's. Since 2=
fp are 1 dice verses targets in the open, they have a fp equivilent of 4, b=
ut get the 4+ to hit bonus, but are slightly easier to supress. Rave off...=

"Your incorrect assumptions are threef=
"You assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume that w=
e would be bound by precedents and precepts from the last 10 million years.=
"But your most incorrect assumption of all is to assume that we care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
-------------James Nugent----------------------------------------

Received on Mon Jun 23 1997 - 17:02:13 UTC

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