Does anyone else think that tyranid gargoyles got the shaft in e40k? I =
that making them flyers goes completely against what they do in 40k. =
I thought
up some (untested) house rules for gargoyles that make them a lit=
tle closer to
their 40K counterparts...
Move Rng F=
P Aslt Armor Special
Gargoyles 20 15 2 1 =
3+ Skimmer, Close Support
Gargoyles may no be purchased from the =
"Tyranid Swarm List" under broods as
One Gargoyle Brood
consists o=
f 1 to 5 gargoyles units: 16 points per unit
Give harridans transport (8) =
and the following:
Gargoyles may only be entered on the board by Harridan u=
nits. Harridan units
may only carry Gargoyle units. Gargoyles from a tyra=
nid swarm may be
transported by any harridan, but if they are transported o=
ut of 30cm, they count
as out of command.
I believe that this manages to r=
etain the flavor from old epic, and whiat I;ve
read about gargoyles & harri=
dans, and the effect gargoyles have in 40k. Plus,
no new rules are added, =
just a few changes. Now, remember these are NOT
playtested, but if some de=
dicated tyranid player out there would like to try
these out...
These are =
good, I thik they were made fliers to give the tyranids something to interc=
ept with. I agree, what i particuarly didn't like was the idea of DAMAGING =
a gargoyle. They are not that tough, i.e. bolter fire can take them down pr=
etty easily.
"Your incorrect assumptio=
ns are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You =
assume that we would be bound by precedents and precepts from the last 10 m=
illion years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of all is to assume that=
we care."
-David Brin, Infinity's Shore
--------------------------James Nugent-------------------------------------=
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Received on Wed Jun 25 1997 - 11:30:57 UTC