Re: [Epic] Just how big is a BigMac

From: David Lado <lado_at_...>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 08:51:40 -0400 (EDT)

>> Sure you can buy a burger or hot-dog. But it won't
>>fast. It will arrive very slowly indeed. Don't think, however,
>>because it's French it will have added taste or flavour - it will
>>like cardboard and sawdust just the same as elsewhere in the world.
>>A truly remarkab;e performance - fast food that is not fast, and is
>>only in the sense that you put it in your gob.
>Do you know that the food in Mc Donalds is the same everywhere (it's
>the american way of standardize), so if can give you a little advice,
>when you come to France don't visit our fast foods but our real

I always wondered why people would go through the trouble of visiting
another country just to eat McDonalds food. Half the fun of
travelling is tasting the local cuisine.

Of course, I've heard that McDonalds is actually an improvement over
English food ;).

Received on Tue Jul 01 1997 - 12:51:40 UTC

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