Re: [Epic] Just how big is a BigMac

From: David Lado <lado_at_...>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 11:48:50 -0400 (EDT)

>In Asterix the Legionary the Indomitable Gaul gives this culinary
>advice, "You can judge how strong an army is by the quality of its
>food. The stronger the army, the worse the food." It has also been
>said that an army marches on its stomach so I think you'll agree
>*British cuisine was the motivating factor behind the building of the
>British Empire* (British rather than English as after all the Scots
>contributed Haggis while the Welsh created culinary delights centered
>around coal)
>Britain now enjoys:- Indian, Chinese, American, Carribean and a host
>of others. We'd like to apologise to the countries whose historical
>and cultural development was temporarily interrupted but, hey, it was
>worth it 8)

Aha! I knew it! I didn't want to say it for fear of offending the
English palate, but I always harbored this sneaky suspicion that the
search for good food drove english colonialism :).

Isn't there a joke that goes:

"Hell is where:

The Italians are the policemen
The Germans are the lovers
The English are the cooks
The French are the shop-keepers"

Received on Tue Jul 01 1997 - 15:48:50 UTC

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