RE: [Epic] Eldar Army Help

From: Matt Starling <mstarling_at_...>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 12:48:31 -0700

I've been out of town for a week and came back to over 300 msgs w/ the on-g=
oing analysis/debate of epic40k. What fun! Well, why I was on vacation, I=
 went through a few battles with my brother in-law to see how it all worke=
d. For what it's worth, here's my battle reports:

My first battle was run=
 using the rescue scenario. I played the defender with a 1000 pt Chaos arm=
y and my opponent attacked with 1000 pt Marine army. I was trying out a p=
lay balance (which didn't work very well) with one detachment of nurgle cha=
os engines and chaos cannons (they were the unit that started defending the=
 rescue objective)., a detachment of 4 terminator berserkers w/ 2 land raid=
ers and a khorne chaos engine, a detachment of 4 thousand sons marines w/ 2=
 rhinos and 2 silver towers, and detachment of 4 terminator noise marines w=
/ 2 land raiders and 2 slaanesh chaos engines. A Daemon detachment of flam=
ers and one Lord of Change rounded out the army. My opponent had a detachm=
ent of 9 land speeders, a detachment of 4 terminators w/ 2 land raiders and=
 2 predators, a detachment of 6 devastators w/ 3 rhinos and 2 support weapo=
ns w/ 2 whirlwinds, and a detachment of 10 assault marines w/ 5 rhinos and =
2 vindicators.

My opponent sent his assault detachment and land speeder de=
tachment to take on my chaos artillery, while the terminators and devastat=
ors held the line to keep my reinforcements back. Well, it started off on=
 a bad foot when at the end of the first round, the entire chaos artillery =
detachment got stomped first with the assault phase, and then mopped up dur=
ing the firefight. Taking out a few land speeders was not much of a consol=
ation. I earned a quick respect for infantry with jump packs riding in rhi=

The rest of the battle was pretty much downhill from there since I ne=
ver broke past the line his devastators and terminators set up. Some of t=
he highlights I learned though: Saving throws are really great, especially=
 if the unit also has a base armor of 6+. My opponent made the mistake of =
spreading the terminators too far from his land raiders. After he decimate=
d my daemon flamers, leaving the Lord of Change all alone, I assualted a la=
nd raider with the Daemon and sent the entire detachment packing out of the=
 building the terminators were hiding in. He learned quickly though and I =
took a beating after he kept his land speeders in close to provide support =
during the next assault phase.

The next battle we fought, the defender was=
 set up in a mountain pass with the attacker trying to root him out. My op=
ponent played defender again and he used the same Marine force. This time =
I attacked with the Eldar. My 1000 point army consisted of an Avatar with =
3 dire avengers that included an exarch and 1 dire avenger with both an exa=
rch and a warlock, a detachment of 4 swooping hawks w/ exarch mounted in wa=
ve serpents and 4 wraithguard mounted in wave serpents, 1 swooping hawk w/ =
exarch and warlock in a falcon grav tank, a farseer in grav tank, and a dre=
adnought. I also had a detachment of 3 Scorpion heavy tanks and a small de=
tachment of 2 falcons and 2 fire prisms. I flanked him with my Avatar unit=
 and the small tank detachment. This didn't do much, but it did distract h=
im. Needless to say, I taught him a lesson in humility when he realized th=
at Eldar dire avengers with exarchs assault better than assault marines; an=
d they are pretty manauvarable too! After I wiped out his assault marines,=
 my transports were toast. I tried to assault his devastators, but landed =
short and got fried. But the real champion was the detachment of Scorpions=
: 3 tanks each w/ d6 anti-tank shots with a range of 60 cm; each capable of=
 obsorbing 4 hits a piece. They ruled that engagement! But I must say they=
 would have faired poorly against the assault marines if my swooping hawks =
with the exarchs hadn't taken them out. The rest was a cake walk.

The las=
t scenario we tried was a repeat of the above, but this time the defender u=
sed 1000 pt ork army which consisted of 10 shooty boys, 17 big guns, and 3 =
pulsa rokkits. and 7 detachments each consisting of 1 warboss in a stompa. =
 I brought in a 1000 pt marine army that consisted of 10 terminators and 18=
 land raiders. Now I think he could have done a better job of deployment, =
but the important lesson was: although warbosses in stompas are pretty cool=
 with an assault value of 8 and saves, they are not one detachment together=
. You have to alternate shooting detachments. He made the mistake of assa=
ulting with the stompas which brought them out of support range of the art=
illery; after he fired with one detachment ( one stompa) I fired with one d=
etachement (18 land raiders and 10 terminators. Small consolation that the=
 terminators weren't in range) After one round of this, he retreated with h=
is one surviving stompa. It didn't survive a second round. His artillery =
was also split with half the force on each side of the board. I moved to c=
oncentrate fire on just one side and leave the other side out of range. I=
 guess this panicked him, because he then moved out of cover to try to brin=
g everything to bear on me. It was a very short 4 rounds of play; He did co=
ncede after I won initiative for the final round of the shooting phase; sin=
ce I only had one large detachment, just winning the initiative played a ve=
ry major role in bringing the entire firepower of that large detachement to=
 bear on whichever hapless detachement got in my way.

I would have liked t=
o try the Eldar army against the Marine land raider army. The Eldar Scorpi=
on heavy tank detachement was averaging 12 shots/ turn at a superior range;=
 and they had the swooping hawks as backup. But the Marines with an initia=
l 36 anti-tank shots in the detachment could sure eat up detachements prett=
y fast.

From: duckrvr_at_...[SMTP:duckrvr@...]
: Tuesday, June 24, 1997 6:55 AM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: Re:=
 [Epic] Eldar Army Help

At 10:03 AM 6/24/97 +0800, you wrote:
>Can someb=
ody suggest the best way to use the exarchs and warlocks
>(with what minis =
should i base them with)

Swooping hawks. 8 stands of SH with exarchs, and=
 2 with exarchs and
warlocks is my standard aspect detachment. It is fast,=
 has a high assault,
and is virtually guaranteed to have more psykers than =
your opponent.


Received on Wed Jul 02 1997 - 19:48:31 UTC

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