RE: [Epic] Orders....

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 07:28:09 -0400

> EPIC/40K don't use the SM/TL order phase. It's a pity...
> I think it '=
s really a good idea that you don't know what your opponent
> want to do..=
> Until the reveal order phase.....

   Well, the place orders/check init=
iative/reveal orders system of SM/TL
was good for simulating the confusion =
of battle... the problem was
that if you lost initiative for the turn, you=
 could end up having your
tactics really messed up. Since you placed your =
orders before you knew
if you were moving first or second, your orders coul=
d often end up
defeating tactics, which in my opinion placed too much impor=
tance on
that single die roll for initiative.
   The E40K system lets you s=
ee when you're going to move before you
have to commit to a set of orders, =
which slightly lowers the penalty
for losing initiative. There are good an=
d bad points to both systems;
I myself really don't like it when completely=
 random factors like an
initiative roll interfere too much with tactics - o=
thers feel differently.

I agree with you about initive(We always placed or=
ders after initiave.) This reduced the effect of it some. Of course now CC =
and FF depend on a sincle dice roll. This can give some weird results unles=
s you massivly overpower your opponent. I've seen a side lose when it side=
 has double the CC of the other and more Blast Markers.
It's the sort of th=
ing that just doesn't look right. In 2ed odditites of luck could happen, bu=
t they would only afffect one stand, i.e. over a number of close combats it=
 tended to average out, and there was one CC per stand. Also, even right no=
w initive is powerfull, especially in the assault and movement phases. Init=
iave is less important in shooting, because you alternate. I wish initive w=
as not so powerfull. Because of the power of CC and FF, the side that attac=
ks usually wins, if they know what they are doing. Then their opponent is b=
roken, and can't do anything.
"Your inc=
orrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the Five=
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and precepts fr=
om the last 10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of all i=
s to assume that we care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
------------------------------------------James Nugent---------------------=

Received on Mon Jul 07 1997 - 11:28:09 UTC

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