RE: [Epic] New Rules ADA Missiles

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 07:37:29 -0400

A while ago I posted my smoke round rules, with the comment that I was
o working on ADA missile rules, as well as Engineering troop rules.

Here i=
s the intro and the first of 3 sets of rules for ADA missile
units. Commen=
ts would be nice.

===Rules start here===

Air Defense Rules fo=
r Epic 40K

The following rules are in addition to the current "Flak" rules=
 in E40K.
The flak rules work well to gun based ADA but fail to have the co=
"look and feel" for missile based air defense.

In the "Real late 20t=
h century world" missile air defense can be loosely
divided into 3 types, H=
IMAD, SHORAD and MAPAD, or in English, HI
altitude Missile Air Defense, SHO=
rt Ranged Air Defense and MAn Portable
Air Defense. Rules for each of these=
 will be given.

 HIMAD Missile
Any unit that is armed with a "Vortex missi=
le" type weapon may be
upgraded to HIMAD for a cost of 20 points. This cost=
 is per unit, not
per missile in the case of units with more than one Vorte=
x missile
installed. The cost is to reflect the cost of fire control equipm=
ent on
the launcher and the more or less minor modifications to the missile=

A HIMAD modified system may use the following rules:
* After nor=
mal flier missions are declared any HIMAD unit may be
declared to be in Air=
 Defense mode. This places the detachment on
"Special" orders. For the non-=
air defense units in the detachment this
acts as either another type of "sp=
ecial orders" (i.e. Flak or Prep fire)
or as "Over watch".
* The HIMAD miss=
ile is a flier with the following data:

Move RNG FP Assault Armor
Flier =
0 0 6/6 6+

* The HIMAD missile may ONLY be used as an Interceptor, and the=
Interceptor rules are in effect with the exception that a HIMAD mis=
may not "loiter" over the battlefield, it must attack on the turn that=

it is declared.
WYSIWYG notes/rules:
* None needed, as the "Vortex missile=
" units already have missiles
mounted on them.

 Reality Check Note:
The id=
ea that a missile unit may be used against both aerial and ground
targets i=
s not as off the wall as it sounds. Several ADA missile systems
are capable=
 of being used in a surface to surface role, and ATGM systems
are some time=
s used in an anti-helicopter mode. Most naval missile
systems are dual role=
 as well.

Interesting, although as given the missile cannot attack ground=
 targets(This is in a 40K sense, not a reality one :). You have to give the=
 missile FP for it to attack ground targets, also if it can only intercept,=
 then it cannot hit ground targets. Also, is this thing single use? Pretty =
kool concept though.Also, I'd give it a 3+ rather than 6+ armour. Since it =
will always attack first, the armour doesn't matter. Also I think if it mis=
ses, it deserves to get shot down! Besides, it's a missile, not a flying ta=
"Your incorrect assumptions are thr=
"You assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume tha=
t we would be bound by precedents and precepts from the last 10 million yea=
"But your most incorrect assumption of all is to assume that we care."=
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
----------------James Nugent----------------------------------------

Received on Mon Jul 07 1997 - 11:37:29 UTC

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