Re: [Epic] Hello -Reply

From: <CLL_at_...>
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 1997 14:15:37 +0000

Again, though, the question is "when?" From everything that I've heard,
there are the various Imperial Agents codicies heading out the door, and
revisions of the WHFB army books, etc., etc. Battlefleet Gothic seems to
have a higher priority than the Squat Codex, from everything I've heard!
(Talking with several GW peoples on the phone and at conventions.) Not
that this is a Bad Thing (tm), since I'd love to get more Space Fleet ships
(though prices will be horrendous), but I think it is an indication of the, shall
we say, disregard GW has for the
                    Aaron Teske
                    Squat Leader, Den'Len Fetch

I guess they are just getting the short end of the stick

Chris ( who loves playing the Squats, but just couldn't resist that one).
Received on Tue Jul 08 1997 - 14:15:37 UTC

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