RE: [Epic] Full Game -Reply

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 09:47:39 -0500

>From: James Nugent[SMTP:jnug1453_at_...]
>Sent: Thursday, July 17, 1997 6:00 AM
>To: 'space-marine_at_...'
>Subject: RE: [Epic] Full Game -Reply
>Importance: High
>Nice analysis. I would not say 40K is more about tricks than tactics, but
>much more of your tactics come in while picking an army, as opposed to while
>playing it. In E40K picking an army important, but how you play is much more
>important. In 40K picking an army is at least as important as how you play,
>also in 40K you have to have how you are going to play in mind when you pick
>troops. In E40K you just pick a varied bunch of troops without thinking
>things like 'I'll take X so if my opponent take Y then...". You can't
>min-max as much with E40K.
>-----> Yep I agree with that picking the army part especially - In 40K,
>I will pick an army very differently based on who I'm going to see,
>while in E40K I don't neccessarily care. In Old Epic it seemed to
>matter more, but even it wasn't like 40K.
> I think the lack of power characters makes a big difference.
>In 40K, a high-po character with a vortex grenade can do serious
>harm to the opposing army, especially with fields & a movement
>enhancer of some kind. InE40K (and even SM/TL), a Titan with
>a vortex missile is just not the same level of threat.
> An as far as the min/maxing - yes! Agonizing over the lists
>is a pretty regular thing in 40K. Notice also that for tournaments
>you have the no power 3 cards/no special characters and other
>rules to "flatten the points structure" as I like to call it. Should not
>be a problem with Epic. That was one thing other games have
>made concious efforts to avoid - turning the game into a crap
>shoot where one roll decides the whole battle. Can be dramatic,
>usually it's just annoying. So far E40K seems much more
>Chris Miller
Received on Thu Jul 17 1997 - 14:47:39 UTC

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