Re: [Epic] E40K:Battle Report - Eldar vs Imperial (very brief)

From: Oki Purwanto <oki_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 01:18:31 +0800

At 12:13 PM 7/17/97 -0400, you wrote:

>Heh, heh, I had the same reaction when I first read the report.
>("Striking Scorpions gunning down land raiders? What the hell?").
>Perhaps you guys could try the meeting engagement, which allows the bulk
>of the armies to arrive on turn 1. This prevents people from being
>badly screwed by rolling lots of 1s and 2s. Also, it seems your marine
>player would be well advised to hold his troops back until the rest
>of his boyz have showed up :).

This was what happened to Gavin Thorpe's forces in WD 211. IIRC the scenario
was Escalating Engagement (?) - the one where the smallest detachments on
both side is placed on the board in turn 1. The smallest detachments are to
represent scouts patrolling which stumble across one another and start
calling up reinforcements.

Anyway Gavin's SM forces arrived piecemeal whereas Andy Chambers' Orkz
arrived en masse. Gavin proceeded to throw his forces in bits and pieces and
got shredded into bits and pieces too :)

End game analysis was that it would have been more appropriate for the SM to
wait for the remaining and more powerful detachments to arrive.

Received on Thu Jul 17 1997 - 17:18:31 UTC

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