Re: [Epic] New to Epic

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 18:54:47 -0400 (EDT)

Excerpts from Epic: 18-Jul-97 Re: [Epic] New to Epic by Mark A Shieh_at_...
> Yeah, Aaron's still got the best complaint of them all. Squats,
> Knights, and an all-Titan force.

Well, I've been sidelining that Marine force -- multi-layered flames are
a b*tch to paint on Mk.1 Vindicators, not to mention Lead Land Raiders
and, especially, Rhinos -- so I'm not *totally* hosed. But then, I'm
far from any kind of a viable force with the Marines, so maybe I am....

>(Great, so I've got 6 Warlords who
> *all* now have 3 HWBs and a Death ray. How exciting.)

Heh. Of the three Warlords I've finished painting so far (of... 12? I
think) two have double CC weapons... yay. The other, Quietus, is
actually quite balanced in E40K terms, with a Vortex Missile, a Quake
Cannon, a Multiple Barrage Launcher and a Plasma Destructor. The loss
of variety in Warhounds, though, I find *very* annoying, not to mention
the loss of range in the weaponry. Look for a Titan Weapon Varients
page to spring off my Epic homepage... actually, look for some
restructuring overall; I have recently uploaded a semi-update to my
page, and am working behind the scenes on a revamp. (The update was to
fix some links, add a few links, and to Space Fleet, really. No new
Epic material, much less E40K material, yet.)

Given the number of newcomers to the list, I guess I should probably
post my URL, eh?

> > ----> Well the IG lost those in the 40K codex, so I wasn't surprised,
> > but I will be intersted to see how the IG infantry come out - lots of
> > different types in 40K as far as looks.

Oh, joys. You mean something like, Mordian Iron Guard get shaken for +1
point, and Catachans get, oh, +1 AF in forest, and.... Bleah. What the
hell happened to the plain old IG trooper?

> >They lost some of their speedy
> > stuff, but they have more & better tank options now - it wasn't completely
> > one-sided.

Another point that pisses me off. A commander cares about some tank
varients while he doesn't care very much about what his Titans are
equipped with? Um....

> No, I'm not really complaining about their power level.
> They're still a viable force. But in both E40k and WH40k, the waves
> of infantry approach to the game fail. It seems wildly inappropriate
> somehow to only be able to win with columns of tanks.

Oh, I think Marines could pull a fairly effective win with foot troops.
Pile on the support weaons and the would probably do well. But then, I
haven't played E40K yet....
                    Aaron Teske
                    Squat Leader, Den'Len Fetch
Received on Fri Jul 18 1997 - 22:54:47 UTC

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