Re: [Epic] Army Sizes

From: Eugene E.W. <eug_at_...>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 00:08:31 -0400

    While it's undoubtedly true that GW tends to ignore the incredible size
of the WH40k universe, ya shouldn't forget that planetary engagements
ultimately come down to company and battalion sized engagements. While
admittedly in a given battle there can be hundreds of thousands involved,
for the soldiers in the conflict it comes down to a fairly small group of
people who pose an immediate threat.
     In my epic games I usually assume that the board edges represent not
some kind of impassible terrain or something, but the edges of the next
formations over. It's off limits because its full of troops and its not the
bit you're responsible for. This works best when your massive warband fills
up the table from edge to edge, but in a more open battle, you can
certainly imagine that similar small engagements are being fought on either
side, and out beyond that...
Received on Wed Jul 23 1997 - 04:08:31 UTC

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