I don't think so. Their FP actually looks pretty similar to
what it was =
in SM/TL. It is a little more costly becasue of
the skimmer ability, but =
when you take that advantage into
account, it's okay. The eldar have plent=
y of FP at good range
compared to other armies. Frex, falcons have the sam=
e FP as
predators, worse armor,but the skim and transport. Warwalkers
ve the same FP and armour as predators and cost less. Fire
prisms cost as=
much as landraiders, have one less AT shot, but
skim and have the Flak ab=
ility, and are faster. Vipers have
the same FP as devestators and cost 2 m=
ore points, but they
have a longer effective range (40 cm move + 30 cm ran=
ge = 70 cm,
vs 55 cm for the dev), plus they can skim.
Unfortuanly, I d=
on't have my books with me, so I can't to a detailed reply to
this. I thin=
k most of it is the skimmer ability is over rated. You can shoot over terra=
in, but you opponent can shoot you also, so it doesn't help much. Also, you=
need incredibly amounts of Fp to actually shoot things. (I usually pl=
ay against
marines, which might account for my lack of faith in shooting. =
You need anti-tank weapons to make a dent in marine armour) That's one adva=
ntage the marines have. You can field an entire army with 5+ armour. Of cou=
rse they do pay for it.
Add on to that their superheavies (skimming WEs w=
ith pulsars)
and titans and the best air units in the game (stat-wise) and=
you can put together a very shooty army if you want it. It is
not the t=
ype of army that will win pitched slugfests across
open ground, but that's=
not their game anyway. They have a good
combination of skimmers and chea=
p FP (vypers and walkers)
that can let them take advantage of their skimme=
rs. I think
it's in how you design the army, not what's available to them=
Also, the eldar CC troops are so good, everything else looks
weak by co=
Unfortuanly, as everyone has pointed out to properly assault s=
omething, you
need coordination. Assault+ fire support. It's the fire supp=
ort the eldar have trouble with.
Orks have a similar problem, but they have=
so many troops it isn't as bad.
incorrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the =
Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and precept=
s from the last 10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of a=
ll is to assume that we care."
-David Brin, Infinity's Shore
----------------------------------------------James Nugent-----------------=
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Received on Thu Jul 24 1997 - 17:01:10 UTC