Re: [Epic] Tactic Critique

From: Eugene E.W. <eug_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 19:00:26 -0400

>BTW, I meant I usually play against imperials, sorry.

>>Firestorms: the only effective flak unit because of the 45 cm range; and
they are perfectly capable of exploding ground targets, also.

>They are real expensive, and Hydras are actually better against most
fliers. I did an analysis of this once. A hydra has a better chance to hit
a flyer with 5+ armour, but they firestorm has a better chance of a kill.

I meant in terms of range. Hydras (and flakwagons) only have 30cm range,
which simply isn't enough to deter flyers; you have to outrange them to
keep them away from your detachment, unless you surrond the thing with
flak, which isn't very practical.

>>Support weapon batteries: cheap and effective; anti-tank weapons are very
>Actually, as an Imperial player, you have these also. I think they are
also called support weapons.
Same stats, cost 2 pts less.

Vypers and Jetbikes: what they lack in range, they make up for in speed.
They have lots of firepower, which, if they are handled correctly, can do
much more than just win firefights.

Odd, I've never seen these do much other than win firefights.

Dreadnoughts:a very nice, fire-powerful support unit for any infantry
Dreads are a good well rounded option for any army. The imperial version is
a point
less and 5cm slower, but otherwise identical. They are your only unit
that;s ok
at everything. Good Fp, good range, good armour and good assault. Kinda
slow, but nobody's perfect.


"Your incorrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and precepts from the last
10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of all is to assume that we care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore


Received on Thu Jul 24 1997 - 23:00:26 UTC

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