Re: [Epic] barrage templates

From: Christian Nielsen <raveallnight_at_...>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 02:38:46 -0700 (PDT)

---HornedRat_at_... wrote:
> Salvete omnia. I'm finally posting on this list! Anyway, I've got a
> question about barrage templates. Is it possible to stack or overlap
> templates from one detatchment? For some reason, since Epic 40k was
> released, everyone at the local game store has been saying you
cannot overlap
> barrage templates, but there was a reference to stacking blast
markers in the
> new WD (or perhaps CJ), so I checked the rulebook, and couldn't find
> that says you can't overlap templates. Perhaps not listening to
others, and
> doing more than just skimming through rulebooks, would help.
> HornedRat

I was just about to post the same question. For example, if I were
not able to overlap, then my detachment of 10 siege artillery units
would not be at its full potential against a small target detachment.
Here is my solution to the problem:

When placing barrage templates, they must be placed edge to edge until
the point that there are no more enemy units to cover without placing
templates on top of each other, and after a "second" layer has been
layed down, then a third may follow and so-on.

Alternatively, you could say that artillery cannot destroy more units
than are under the barrage template(s)


"90cm is short ranged?!? must be an IG player."

                        Scott Shupe, 25/7/97

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