Re: [Epic] roolzboyz: close combat weapons and holofields

From: Eugene E.W. <eug_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 18:35:47 -0400

> >
> > >The holofield saves against everything.
> >
> > Not precisely true. Holofield impart a "a 2+ saving throw against
> > any and all HITS they take, rather like a unit with a save." (page
> > 65 of the Battles book, my emphasis). The point that is being
> > debated is that the auto-destroy is not a hit. As a matter of fact,
> > a titan does not need to score a hit at all to destroy with a CC
> > weapon; it only needs to win the CC. Inversely, a loosing titan
> > which does score a hit does not get to destroy its' opponent. The
> > question is much more akin to a unit with a save that fails to
> > retreat more than 15cm from an enemy after losing a CC/FF.
> >
> > I can see it both ways, but under a literal interpretation of the
> > rules (which is all we have to go on right now), I don't feel the
> > holofields would protect a titan from a CC weapon (from the hits
> > inflicted in CC, yes).
> >
> > David
> >
> >
> >
> I've got to disagree. A save has been broadened to include kill effects
> which are not described as "hits", such as a unit which loses close
> and cannot retreat. The definition of save would seem to be "a roll to
> avoid removing the model from the board".
> --Ken Taborek oberon_at_...
> "Show respect for age. Drink good Scotch for a change."- random fortune
Yes, the save special ability is rolled whenever a unit that has it would
be "killed" and removed. However, a holo-field is not the same thing as the
save special ability. The army book says on the subject "Eldar Titans
recieve a 2+ saving throw against any and all hits they take, rather like a
unit with the save special ability does." Later on it says "any hit which
is not saved by the holofields automatically causes a critical hit". Since
all we have to go on are the rules, I will offer my interpretation:

Holofield saves are rather like the save special ability, but not
necessarily identical.

Holofields save against hits; hits are the type of things that cause rolls
on the critical damage table.

Holofields do not save against the destruction of the titan -- this, if
nothing else, should be perfectly clear. If an eldar titan is forced to
roll on the catastrophic damage table, the results imposed by that roll are
not affected in any way by the holofields of the titan, whether that roll
was caused by shooting or close combat or by losing a CC to a Titan with a

Incidentally, it is my humble opinion that the confusing effects of
holofields (opponents getting out of position, etc.) are already reflected
in the Titan's assault value. I wouldn't worry about trying to be "fair",
holofields are part of the reason Phantom Titans have an assault value of

Obviously, I think that Holofields don't protect againt the special ability
of Close Combat weapons to inflict critical damage on losing War Engines.

Regards, Eugene
Received on Mon Jul 28 1997 - 22:35:47 UTC

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