[NetEpic ML] INCOMING #3!

From: Tzeentch <tzeentch666_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 22:17:06 -0800

Just letting everyone know that if they have articles pending inclusion in
Incoming #3 they need to start looking at getting them ready. I'm going to
start working on this very soon.

Issue 3 will focus on Titans and Praetorians and will see the Titan
experience rules, alternate Titan rules and more. It will also have
extensive Q&A and errata that has been dredged up, everything from Avatars
in CC to how templates work and vortex missiles. Most of this is for NetEpic
but if there is a E40K errata list I'd like to include it for completeness
(especially for those without access to Firepower or WD).

Still waiting on Johans Airstrike! and Flak! additions <HINT!> but other
then that I believe we have everything. But I'd like to bulk things up even
more then it is, so if you have reviews for games, humor, art, or just plain
rants on Epic then let me know.

Personally I will be doing a review of ICEs Middle Earth: The Wizards card
game (kickass game!) as well as releasing more Epic Ogre material from my
Black Vault. I'm open to anything! If you have a review of something send it

Remember that E40K material is always appreciated! I would not be holding my
breath for another Firepower so make your ideas known! The Eldar discussion
on the Epic40K group is particularly interesting (even though I have not
participated - sorry guys!).

You can submit articles in whatever format you think we can use - although
we prefer Office format if possible - or at least RTF. Embedded pictures are
fine but linked ones are better due to some strange OLE quality issues when
cutting and pasting embeded objects...

I'd like to get most of the issue laid out before I possibly go to the
Corporals Course next month. I'm still working on the PDF versions of
Incoming but things keep getting in the way ;) You all know how that goes.

Adeptus Titanicus/Space Marine/Epic 40,000 Forever and stuff ;)

Peace through superior fire control,
NetEpic Coordinator

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Received on Wed Mar 24 1999 - 06:17:06 UTC

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