[NetEpic ML] Adeptus Titanicus

From: Tzeentch <tzeentch666_at_...>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 02:21:13 -0800

Since I got my scanner working and had some free time....

The new Adeptus Titanicus should be online by the time you see this email.
It's actually smaller then the last version (took out all the stuff in the
back) but has a LOT more pictures - everything was rescanned again from the
original book - not copies like the last one.

I did not finish the combat cards I'm afraid. Probably tomorrow before I
start on finishing up Space Marine. This will be the last AT rules release
until I correct all the errors in it via WD errata.


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Received on Thu Mar 25 1999 - 10:21:13 UTC

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