[NetEpic ML] Re: Warp Missiles

From: Peter Ramos <pramos1_at_...>
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 15:34:17 +0000


This is a good idea. The thing is I believe a restriction of this missile (one
per battery) is a more effective deterant.


S.R.Gist wrote:

> I started thinking about this problem and came up with an idea. Tell me what
> you think. This is a way to at least shield the more costly units with
> others akin to the way escorts shield transports at sea.
> New Rule
> Warp missiles fired from a deathstrike launcher are launched directly ahead
> and fly 35 cm the first turn. They may not go active at this time. Beginning
> the next turn and continuing until they fly off the table or run out of
> fuel, the owning player has the option of having the missile fly straight
> ahead up to 35 cm or make the missile go active. At the moment the missile
> goes active, the owning player measures in a 360 degree arc to the closest
> enemy target with shields of any type. This becomes the target of the
> "terminal flying" missile until the missile strikes the target or runs out
> of fuel, it will move at top speed to the target. Once striking, the missile
> follows the normal rules of hitting and damage. Warp missiles fired from a
> titan will target the closest enemy target with active shields and strike it
> immediately.
> These missiles may not be targeted at anything without active shields.
> This simulates the value of the missile as no one would waste one on a small
> value target. Also, this would allow one to shield a target with a knight or
> smaller value target as bait for these missiles.
> Finally, imagine the computers in these missiles are programmed to go
> after the nearest threat with shields to simulate using them against high
> priority targets.
> Also, the firing platforms should stay on the battlefield for the entire
> battle as it gives the enemy a chance to gain the victory points from these.
> Where do they go anyway? Teleport away? :-)
> Maybe something like this would work? I agree we don't need a lot of extra
> rules to throw into the game as this will quickly bog it down with
> exceptions, but this seems like a terrible abuse within the system. For
> example, I would think that if I was playing a battle of Tech Guard vs. IG I
> could take out an Imperator with just three of these things as the rules
> stand. 2250 points from 3 shots? Not good.
> Sincerely, Eddie (SRG)
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Received on Thu Apr 08 1999 - 15:34:17 UTC

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