RE: [NetEpic ML] NetEpic Armybuilder File

From: Tom Webb <Webbsoft_at_...>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 10:37:01 +0100

The problem with ArmyBuilder is that is does support multiple weapons for
vehicles to the degree that NetEpic uses them and units cannot contain
multiple types of unit.

So a Marine tactical company would be a nightmare. They did one for Epic 40k
but that used one army list for each detachment, we already have that
ability with our army cards so it would take more time instead of saving

If someone can find a way around then yes it would be excellent, but until
then it is almost impossible.

I did some work on making an Army Builder file for NetEpic but the engine
was to limited.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Mr Wizard [mailto:mr_wizard_at_...]
  Sent: 25 July 2001 23:30
  To: NetEpic
  Subject: [NetEpic ML] NetEpic Armybuilder File

  Dear NetEpic Group,

  Armybuilder is the greatest wargaming invention sense dice. It is the
simplest way to create an army list. It tabulates point, keeps track of
options, etc. Anyone who hasn't used it go to and
download it. It's awesome! I loved it so much I ran out and bought it.
  NetEpic needs an AB file for a couple of reasons. First, it's soooooo damn
easy to create army lists. It's so fast and easy my opponents and I have
gotten into a habit of writing our list right before we play (and you know
how long it takes to write a list with pen and paper). Plus it stores our
lists so you never loose them and prints then out in a very useful and
informative fashion. Second, if we can get a supported list it means lots of
free advertising. The whole Armybuilder community would be exposed to
NetEpic. This translates into lots of new players.
  Now I am not capable of writing a AB file (I tried, failed miserably).
Someone who is more talented at programming should take a look at their file
creation system. We could also write letters to Lone Wolf expressing our
interest in an AB file for NetEpic and see if they could write one. Let me
know what you think.

  Your Humble Servant,
  Nathan H. Hoderny

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Received on Tue Jun 26 2001 - 09:37:01 UTC

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