RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tau units/stats

From: <nils.saugen_at_...>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 15:45:39 +0200

Yupp, always good to get some input!!!!

------------->My coments to your comments!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: jyrki.saari_at_... [mailto:jyrki.saari@...]
Sent: 4. oktober 2001 15:14
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tau units/stats

Some comments from your (un?)friendly armylist fanatic...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext nils.saugen_at_... [mailto:nils.saugen@...]
> Sent: 02. October 2001 11:22
> To:
> Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tau units/stats
> Hi Peter,
> I've taken the liberty of adding some suggestions to the
> stats of the units
> aswell.
> The units are as follows:
> The Etherals are the ruling caste of the TAU society. They
> command the utter
> devotion, loyalty and sacrifice of the TAU.
> Powers: All TAU (Not Kroot) units within 10cm of the TAU Etheral is
> completely immune to all types of moraletests, and never
> recieve fallback
> orders. All other TAU units within LOS may add +1 to their
> moral rolls.
> However, if the TAU etheral is killed all TAU units within
> LOS must make an
> immidiate morale check or go on fallback orders.

Sounds good.


Can be bought either as regular or as bonded, eg. having performed the
bonding ritual. In that case, their break point is 75% instead of 50% and
the victory points are increased by +2.

------> He, he, I was waiting for this. I think it might be difficult to
make it work in the game enviroment. But nontheless a sound idea from a Tau
perspective, what would the cost increase be?


These are a problem... how can they infiltrate with an APC???

----> I know, however, their action radius would be the same as for the
Tyranid Gargoyles.
alternately they could be allowed their regular move (20cm) instead of full
charge before the first movement phase. If it is the consept of infiltrating
vehicles that is the problem, I guess hiding behind phrase; "The TAU is
something entierly new and alien therefore it is possible to do this" is my
best answer.
[snipped battlesuit stats]

Due to improved sensors Tau Battlesuits can fire at Lictors, Eldar scouts,
Ratling snipers etc. even if they are further than 25cm away, if on first
fire orders.

-----> That would sure make them more effective.

> Support units of the Tau Army, could be used as upgrades for the TAU
> infantry units. (Gun drones equipped with a pair of Pulse Carbines)

I would suggest these be bought as support cards with a detachment size of

Gun Drones:
MV: 15cm AS: 0 CAF: 0 WPN: Pulse carbine RANGE: 35cm NUMBER OF
ATTACKS: 2 TO HIT: 5+ AS: 0 Morale: 3

Shield drones:
MV: 15cm AS: 6+ CAF: 0 WPN: none RANGE: - NUMBER OF
ATTACKS: - TO HIT:- AS: 0 Morale: 3
Shield drones combine shield generators with sophisticated elecromagnetic
jamming equipment. All direct fire attacks against a Tau detachment with
shield drones must be allocated against the drones first. Only after the
drones have been destroyed can the detachment itself be attacked.

--------------> Problem is minis, how about the following, they are bought
as upgrades to the regular Tau fire warrior detachment(only).
Gun Drones: 100 points (counts as a detachment card) This gives you 1 extra
shot per stand in the detachment (Same stats as the regular attack)
Shield Drones: 100 points (counts as a detachment card) Gives each stand in
the detachment an extra save (unmodifiable) of 5+ to resist damage from
ranged attacks (Not Close Combat). Just like a medic.

> However, the 40k Drone model, could be used as NetEpic TAU
> drone Ships, sort
> of mobile gun or shield platforms?

[snipped kroot]

> I suggest that the Kroot be organised in the same manner as
> the Orks, with
> Shapers filling the role of the Ork Nobz, and
> Kroothouns/Krootox detachments
> bolstering the breakpoint/victorypoint of the KRoot Warrior horde.

Sounds good.

> Nils

Jyrki Saari

-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is

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