Re: [NetEpic ML] Netepic Background

From: Weasel Fierce <septimus__at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 07:24:44 +0000

>Many a time we have changed "official" GW background to suit our needs.
>Some have even gone as far as to attempt to write our own version. Fluff
>was always a cool component of reading the old rulebooks and I would like
>to be a part again someday. This has an application beyond mere
>entertainment for netepic, since I may start to fulfill a long thought
>about project. Producing a full color version of Net Epic. A version with
>fluff, short stories intercalated in the text and pictures, just like the
>old AT books. Of course to avoid copyright issues (as always) I would
>prefer a background made by us. This is not to say it needs to be all that
>different from "official" sources, but done in our own words and with our
>own touch. Especially doing races like the Squats (all but abandoned by
>GW), Slann (according to our fluff) and now the Tau. Its a large project,
>but I think fun, since people could flesh out things not even GW has done.

this sounds pretty cool.....though I can see many an hour of heated
discussion here :-)

I definately think we should do our own fluff....anyone with the graphics
skill to draw nice pic's we can use??

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